The 75th anniversary since its inception in 1905,
marks a high point in the history of the Bournemouth Hebrew
Congregation. From humble beginnings, the Synagogue has grown into
one of the foremost and most viable of the provincial communities in
Britain in 1980. Whereas the general pattern of smaller provincial
Synagogues is one of declining numbers, as members move to the larger
Jewish conurbations, our own Synagogue has not only held its own, but
has grown to a present membership well in excess of 700 families.
Our attraction has not simply been one of climate,
though that surely has played its part, nor yet the call of shifting
sands on the Dorset coast, but on the firm ground and permanence of the
traditional Torah spirit, which permeates the Synagogue complex, and
which serves as a beacon of welcome. We boast a happy Cheder, a
flourishing kindergarten, many varied social cultural and charitable
activities, of both local and of Zionist interest - all meet under the
Synagogue roof. Many make use of our gem of a modern Mikvah, we cater
for the very orthodox too. Many of the activities are helped along
by our Ladies Guild, which is second to none.
The synagogue itself has an aesthetic beauty, with a
touch of old worldliness. The Service, led by Rev. Israel Cohen is
a joy to follow, and we have developed a harmonious congregational
participation. This enthusiastic participation in all the varied
facets of our activities has successfully brought the congregation to
its 75th year, in such splendid form.
My wife and family join me in wishing the President,
Executive and Trustees, the Board and every single member, a very hearty
Mazal Tov, on this memorable and historic occasion, with the prayer and
hope that they will retain their health, and that the community will
retain its growth and vibrancy to complete successfully the next 25
years with G-d's blessing.