A Meditation



I bless the World from that ocean of Light that is my true Self.

This fragment of  consciousness that I call myself is the Giver and Receiver of both Light and Darkness.  But in the end there is only Light.


My desire and fear bring about the wicked shadows that hide  from the Light, but I know that at any moment I am free to move from darkness to light, from stress to peace, if I can only find the way.  I cannot see the road ahead, but if I ask and keep on asking it will be shown to me.  Nothing can prevent that.  The glory of life is knocking at my door as it has always done, and it is only my own choice that I do not open it.  But I will have the courage to face happiness.


Help me to realise that the fire of hate is always the fire of my own Hell,  and that a smile and a blessing are very close to the true nature of life.   I ask that I may learn to leave my fear and stress in the shadows where they belong, and that I may move into the light where I belong.


May all those who leave this life today be greeted by loving arms and the gift of understanding, no matter how good or evil their lives may seem to have been.


The only thing life asks of us is that we accept it as it is.  When we have done that we go back to the timeless bliss we came from.


Copyright © Mac Stewart, 2003




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