Philip Luxembourg


My approach helps people who have a wide range of problems, be they emotional, physical or stress related.

Where possible, I try to create a sense of well-being where all people receive creative energy directed through me in a non-contact way.

My success rate depends on a variety of circumstances, in particular, the understanding and belief from people who visit me that healing can work.

People who embrace this philosophy have a greater chance of success.  I have been able to help people who have a wide range of problems but occasionally there are symptoms that I cannot help.  In this case I quite simply tell them after the first consultation.

I start with a first meeting where I can evaluate your problem; this will last about 2 hours including a healing session, which will cost £30.  Follow on sessions will also cost £30 and last up to 90 minutes.

You should bring a friend, relative or partner, as their energy and support can assist you and me in the healing process.

If you have a problem, that has not been cured by conventional methods or simply want a different approach to your ailment, give me a call.





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Last Update: 12/08/2013 Contact Info Home Contents