Life Times, December 1, 1994


Philip Luxembourg


Times Group Newspapers, Thursday, December 1, 1994, p. 44


From Hell to Heaven with healing hands

By Amanda Bolt


There are more things in Heaven, Earth and Southgate, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

And that was brought home to me when I visited Philip Luxembourg, a healer, who has been working with Brunswick Health and Fitness Centre, Brunswick Crescent, for about a year.

"In that time we have had a hell of a lot of people that have seen Philip from here," said the center's manager, Angelos Pouyiouros.

Mr. Luxembourg feels his way of working is the same as faith healing and other types of healing, but under a different name.

He works by focusing energy on the affected part of the body.  No touching is involved and clients are welcome to take along a friend.

Mr. Luxembourg demonstrated his technique by focusing his energy on my hand.

I was desperately trying to concentrate on what I was feeling.  My hand didn't feel warmer and I couldn't see any lights or stunning images.

The only thing I could feel was the sensation of something rolling along my hand.

"That's it.  That's the energy," said Mr. Luxembourg.

Doubters can scoff but there are a lot of convinced people walking around Southgate.

And there seems to no shortage of people queuing up to say it worked for them.

Debbie Francis told how her mother had suffered with back pain for 30 years and had tried all sorts of treatment.  She was sceptical at first but agreed to see Mr. Luxembourg.

"She was really not having anything to do with it," said Debbie.  "He practically totally cured her in that one session.  She's a changed woman."

Mr. Luxembourg said his healing power comes from a feeling of compassion and sensitivity to other people, and yes, he's well aware of how wacky that sounds.  And he believes the healing has more far reaching effects than solving physical problems.

"I want them to feel this compassion and a feeling of belonging," he said.

"It's just to try to get them to believe in themselves and by believing in themselves they can be unselfish and help others."

Mr. Luxembourg has his own theories about how it works but not everybody he talks to agrees with them.

"Whatever it is that's doing it, as long as it is doing it, who cares?" said Mr. Pouyiouros.


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