Executive Summary
March 2000
Starting date: March 5, 2000
Ending date: March 31, 2000 |
Totals: |
Number of hits: 239258
Number of megabytes transferred: 4524.3
Number of pages viewed: 78096
Number of estimated visits: 24870
Number of unique hosts: 11894
Number of unique pages: 1760
Number of error hits: 2749
Number of unique errors: 162 |
Averages: |
Number of pages viewed per day: 2892
Number of pages viewed per visit: 3
Length of visit: 4 minutes, 29 seconds
Number of visits per day: 921
Number of visits per week: 6448
Top host:
Top domain: Unresolved
Most requested page: /
common path: |
1. / |
2. / |
3. / |
Top referrer: None
Top keywords: seti
Most common error: /robots.txt (Not found)
Most popular browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Most popular platform: Windows 95 / 98
Busiest date: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Busiest day of the week: Tuesday
Busiest time: 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.