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Panspermia Asks New Questions


Brig Klyce


Copyright, Paul Shuch



There is a widespread sentiment that panspermia is uninteresting because it does not answer fundamental questions about the origin of life.  The modern, strong version of panspermia asks entirely new questions.  After mentioning some of the evidence in favor of strong panspermia, we will pursue this philosophical thread.  For example, "Can panspermia lead to a reconciliation between science and its fundamentalist opponents?"



panspermia, evolution, origin of life, philosophy


  • The paper (author Web site)


Author Biography

Brig Klyce studied English at Princeton University and received a Bachelor Architecture degree from the University of Tennessee in 1975.  He began his study of panspermia as an avocation, in 1981.  After twenty years in industry, in 1995 he launched Acorn Enterprises LLC, a panspermia research and publishing company.


Author Affiliation

Acorn Enterprises LLC
1503 Union Ave #200
Memphis , TN 38104-3739
Phone: 901-726-1111
Fax: 901-726-0120
Email: bklyce@panspermia.org


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