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An Improved Optical SETI Detector


Shelley Wright, Frank Drake, Remington P. S. Stone,
Dick Treffers, and Dan Werthimer




Two detector optical SETI systems have experienced a surprising incidence of false positive signals.  We will discuss one origin of such signals and describe a three detector system designed to compensate for this difficulty.  We are presently building such a device, which will be mounted on Lick Observatory's 1-meter Nickel reflector.


SETI, OSETI, instruments, instrumentation, detectors. 


  • The paper (author Web site)


Principal Author Biography

Shelley Wright is an undergraduate physics major at University of California, Santa Cruz.  Her work on this project will form the basis for her Senior Thesis.  Her life is a delicate balance between the oft-conflicting demands of her academic efforts, building commercial Tesla coils, and surfing ("let no good wave go unridden").

Principal Author Affiliation

Shelley A. Wright
Dept. of Physics
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Tel: (831) 425-2226
Fax: (831) 459-5928
Email: saw@cats.ucsc.edu


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