49th International Astronautical Congress
IAA.9. 27th Review Meeting of the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence
These papers cover the scientific, engineering, policy, legal, social
and educational aspects of SETI.
September 28 - October 2, 1998
Melbourne, Australia

J. Billingham
SETI Institute
2035 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Tel. (1) 415.961.9633
Fax. (1) 415.968.5830
I. Almar
Konkoly Observatory of the
Hungarian Academy of Science
P.O. Box 67,
1525 Budapest, HUNGARY
Tel. (36) 1.175.4122
Fax. (36) 1.275.4668
IAA.9.1 SETI I: Science and Technology
These papers cover the science of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the
Universe, and the science and engineering of searches for evidence of extraterrestrial
J. Heidmann
Observatoire de Paris
Section d'Astrophysique
92195 Meudon, FRANCE
Tel. (33) (0)
Fax. (33) (0)
E-mail: heidmann@obspm.fr
R. Norris
P.O. Box 76
Epping, NSW 2121, AUSTRALIA
Tel. (61) 2.9372.4100
Fax. (61) 2.9372.4400
E-mail: rnorris@atnf.csiro.au
S. Shostak
SETI Institute
2035 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Tel. (1) 415 961.6633
Fax. (1) 415 961.7099
IAA9.2 SETI II: Interdisciplinary Connections
These papers cover the social, psychological, historical, legal, political, institutional,
educational, and media aspects of SETI.
B.R. Finney
Department of Anthropology
University of Hawaii
2424 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Tel. (1) 808.924.7908
Fax. (1) 808.956.4893
R. Bhathal
SETI Australia Centre
University of Western Sydney Macarthur
P.O. Box 555
Campbell Town, NSW 2560, AUSTRALIA
Tel. (61) 46.20.3010
Fax. (61) 43.26.6683
E-mail: r.bhathal@uws.edu.au
C. Oliver
SETI Australia
Dept. of Communication
University of Western Sydney Macarthur
P.O. Box 555
Campbell Town, NSW 2560, AUSTRALIA
Tel. (61) 46.20.3010
Fax. (61) 43.26.6683
To register for this congress, contact:
IAF Congress '98
84 Queensbridge Street
Melbourne 3006 Victoria
Tel. (61) 3 9682 0244
Fax. (61) 3 9682 0288
E-mail: astro@icms.com.au