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50 Years of Lasers and their Application to Communications

 The Royal Society


June 17, 2010

On June 17, 2010, the Royal Academy of Engineering held a one-day event to honour Nobel laureates in Lasers and Fibre-Optics.  There was an exhibition and two half-day symposiums.  Below is a selection of pictures from that event.  This celebration of the 50th anniversary of the laser and its application to communication was jointly sponsored by the Rank Prize Funds, the Royal Society, University College London, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institute of Physics and the Royal Academy of Engineering.  See the Royal Academy of Engineering web site at this URL for more details:



UK history in semiconductor lasers.   Display showing Sir Charles Kao's work and the progress of optical fibre communications.
A submarine fibre-optic repeater.   Professor, Sir D.E.N. Davies FRS (left) talking with Charlie Kao FRS.  In 1978, Charlie Kao was awarded the first Rank Prize for Optoelectronics for work in fibre-optics.  In 1984, D.E.N. Davies and I had the privilege to the share another Rank Prize, also for fibre-optics work.

From left to right: Mrs Kao, Professor, Sir D.E.N. Davies (my former Ph.D supervisor) and Nobel laureate, Professor, Sir Charles Kao.

  Mrs Kao, Charlie Kao, and Provost of University, Professor Sir Malcolm Grant.
The Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Liu Xiaoming.   Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaming in conversation with Nobel laureate, Professor Charles H. Townes.*

*Interstellar and Interplanetary Communication by Optical Masers


First posted: January 29, 2015

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