The COSETI Observatory
Project Cyclops.
- A project proposed in the early 70’s but never funded by Congress. If the full array had been built it would have consisted of 900 dishes, each 100 meters in diameter, and arranged in a circle some 6.4 km in diameter.
- The report on this project, which has become a sort of SETI Bible, probably bears the major responsibility for distorting how SETI research has been carried out on this planet. Since the report was published, too much emphasis has been placed on the microwave approach to SETI. The assumption that ETIs would have to limit their transmitter apertures to 22.5 cm to prevent the beamwidth becoming too small, thus severely crippling their transmitter uplink gains, does not survive close scrutiny!
- This is a very informative and fascinating design study. However, the comparative performance table on page 50 is severely flawed. Order your copy of the Cyclops Report from: