EJASA - Part 4PROJECT CYCLOPS In this paper, many references are made to the Project Cyclops [5] study and the effect that it has had on SETI thinking over the past two decades. Table 1 is taken from this report, which illustrates this author's view that Cyclops has been at least partially responsible for the lack of interest in the optical approach to SETI after the early 1970's. The first column A is the most revealing in this comparison table, in that it models an ETI transmitter at the Nd:YAG (Neodymium: Yttrium- Aluminum-Garnet) laser wavelength of 1,060 nm, that has an aperture of 22.5 cm! As can be seen, in the Cyclops analysis, the onus for detecting a strong signal has been placed at the receiver end of the system, where by definition, the technology available would be far inferior to that at the transmitter. The resulting huge multi-mirror receiving telescope system is thus incredibly expensive. The performance of the 1.06 um (1.06 microns) and 10.6 um systems modelled in the Cyclops study have been severely compromised by restricting the transmitters and receivers to ground-based operation within terrestrial-type atmosphere, and limiting beamwidths to one second of arc. As previously mentioned, the atmospheric coherence cell size (ro) is about 20 cm (8") at Wl = 0.5 um, and is proportional to Wl^(6/5). The A infrared systems are essentially state-of-the-art for 1971. The B infrared systems are futuristic for 1971. If we assume that the 1 ns pulses have a repetition rate of one per second in the case of the first 1.06 um Nd:YAG system (Optical System A), the average power is only a modest 1 kW. One does wonder though, what a peak power of 1 Terrawatt (1,000 GW) would do to a 22.5 cm diameter transmitting mirror, or the air contained within the telescope! SETI COMPARISONS This paper describes two basic types of Optical SETI receiver; the Professional (coherent) heterodyne system and the Amateur (incoherent) photon-counting system. However, there is no reason why a professional receiver could not use photon-counting, and vice versa, why an amateur Page 19 ========================================================================== Table 1 Project Cyclops comparison scenarios ========================================================================== OPTICAL INFRARED MICROWAVE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER A B A B A B Wavelength 1.06 um 1.06 um 10.6 um 10.6 um 3 cm 3 cm ========================================================================== TRANSMITTER ========================================================================== Antenna Diameter 2.25 m 2.25 m 100 m 3 km* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Of Elements 1 1 1 1 1 900 Element Diameter 2.25 m 2.25 m 100 m 100 m Antenna Gain 4.4x10^11 4.4x10^11 4.4x10^11 4.4x10^11 1.1x10^8 9.8x10^10 Peak or CW Power, W 10^12 10^5 10^5 10^5 10^5 10^5 Modulation Pulse Pulse Pulse PSK PSK PSK Pulse, s 10^-9 1 1 1 1 1 Energy per Bit, J 10^3 10^5 10^5 10^5 10^5 10^5 EIRP, W 4.4x10^23 4.4x10^16 4.4x10^16 4.4x10^16 1.1x10^13 9.9x10^15 Beamwidth 1" 1" 1" 1" 64" 1" ========================================================================== RECEIVER ========================================================================== Antenna Diameter 100 m 100 m 100 m 2.25 m 100 m 3 km* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Of Elements 400 400 1975 1 1 900 Element Diameter 5 m 5 m 2.25 m 2.25 m 100 m 100 m Atmosphere Tran. 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 1 1 Quantum Effic. 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.9 Solar Background 1.2x10^-3 36 1.7x10^-3 6x10^-7 ----- ----- Noise Temp., K 13,600 13,600 1360 1360 20 20 RF Bandwidth 1 GHz 3 MHz 3 kHz 1 Hz 1 Hz 1 Hz Detection Method Photon Photon Sq. Law Synch. Synch. Synch. Range Limit (L.Y.) 26 24 22 41 500 450,000 State Of The Art? ? No ? No Yes Yes All Weather? No No No No Yes Yes ========================================================================== * Array spread out to 6.4 km diameter to avoid vignetting. Data taken from Table 5-3, page 50, July 1973 revised edition (CR 114445) of the Project Cyclops design study of a system for detecting extraterrestrial life. [5] This study was prepared under Stanford/NASA/Ames Research Center 1971 summer faculty fellowship program in engineering systems design. Note that at the time the Cyclops study was done, the field of "optoelectronics" (photonics) had not yet really begun. Thus, what the Cyclops study called "Optical" is really a superset of both "near-infrared", and "infrared". In this Optical SETI paper, "optical" covers the entire spectrum from ultra- violet to the far-infrared. The near-infrared 1.06 um ETI transmitter for the Optical System A is only 22.5 cm in diameter, and is modelled to be putting out 1 kW pulses of 1 ns duration, with a peak power of one trillion watts and corresponding peak EIRP of 4.4 X 10^23 W! Page 20 receiver could not use heterodyne detection. The definition adopted here is one based purely on performance and cost grounds. We now continue with the comparisons between various type of professional heterodyning SETI systems as tabulated in Table 2 (Page 22). It should be noted that while the microwave system in this table is based on a 100-meter diameter dish, the microwave system modelled in Figure 4 (Page 28) is based on a 300-meter diameter Arecibo-type dish. The 100-meter diameter dish system of Table 2, corresponds to the Microwave System A modelled in the Cyclops study (Table 1, Page 19), each dish being one of up to nine hundred similar dishes making up the Cyclops array. The infrared telescope system is very similar to ones previously modelled by Townes, Betz, and Zuckerman. [46-47,51-53,57] Note that by increasing the 10,600 nm infrared transmitting and receiving telescopes' diameters to twenty meters, the SNR (CNR) obtained can be increased to the same value (34 dB) indicated for the 656 nm visible system (Table 2, Line 26). Since the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser is very efficient, coherent, and CO2 is likely to be readily available where life becomes established, 10,600 nm may be considered a "magic optical wavelength". [46-58] This wavelength is also capable of propagating with little attenuation across substantial portions of the Milky Way galaxy. The beam divergence is such as to make the targeting of nearby stars easier. There is also an approximately sixty percent atmospheric window at this wavelength. All these telescopes, save for the Cyclops Array (Table 1) [5], may be considered as "puny" for an Advanced Technical Civilization (ATC), but are representative of state-of-the-art terrene technology, technology available either now or within the next decade. The results are based on "perfect" space-based systems (save for the daylight background factor), so in practice, several dB may have to be taken off the calculated SNR to account for imperfections, and atmospheric absorption and turbulence, if ground-based. Because optical heterodyne receivers are proposed for the professional optical systems, Planckian starlight and daylight have no effect on ground-based system performance if the local-oscillator power per pixel (per photodetector) is a lot greater than the background power. Large ground-based optical telescopes would likely use adaptive deformable mirror and laser guide- star technology for removing the "twinkle" from the star and transmitter's image. [68-70] The performance of such telescopes should exceed the theoretical performance of the HST. [59-62] This technology may be available within five years, and will be described in more detail later. The "pilot-tone" technique briefly described on Page 10, used in conjunction with a photodetector array, might allow the implementation of a Maximal Ratio Predetection Diversity receiver. This leads to a very simple adaptive receiver which could be operated both during the day and night. As previously indicated, a more detailed description of how this operates may be found in Appendix A (Page 83). It should be kept in mind that getting a "perfect" image of a star and/or an ETI transmitter is a more rigorous pursuit than just collecting all the Page 21 photons emitted by the ETI transmitter, wherever they fall within the photodiode array area. Table 2 (Page 22) summarizes the salient points of the comparison between different electromagnetic communications technologies as applied to SETI, using heterodyning telescopes. [71-79] A preferred wavelength, not shown in this table, might be 1,060 nm, corresponding to the Nd:YAG transitions in the near-infrared. The corresponding SNR for a 10-meter diameter 1,060 nm system is 32.1 dB. Given a modest extension to our technology over the next century, such wideband terrene interstellar links should become feasible, though they would use digital modulation and compression techniques to reduce the required bandwidth and enhance the SNR. The apparent visual intensity of the 1 GW transmitter, the power output of a typical Twentieth Century terrene power station, would rise from an apparent magnitude of +22.7 to +7.7. This is still below unaided human eye visibility (sixth magnitude) even if not obscured by the light of its star, and amounts to only 0.62% of the star's visual intensity (not corrected for wavelength). This result demonstrates that references in the literature to the fact that such signals have never been seen by the unaided eye, or detected in low-resolution spectrographs, proves nothing about whether ETIs are transmitting in the visible spectrum. Simply put, a powerful communications signal is still weak compared to a star's (integrated over wavelength) output radiated in our direction. Table 2, Line 11 - The reader is left to judge whether ATCs (ETIs) would have the wherewithal to aim narrow optical beams over tens and hundreds of light years and still be sure that their signal would strike a planet orbiting within the targeted star's biosphere (zone of life). Perhaps it is this assumption alone that is the key to the efficacy of the optical approach to SETI. The option is available to defocus (decollimate) the transmitted beam when targeting nearby stars. In such a situation, the signal strength would be weakened (reduced EIRP) for nearby target systems, but would remain relatively constant when operated on more remote targets out to distances of several thousand light years. It does not make sense to cripple, which is the result of Dr. Bernard Oliver's approach, [5] the long-range performance of Extra- terrestrial Intelligence (ETI) transmitters just because the beams happen to be too narrow for nearby stars. Clifford Singer [15] has described how superior ETI technical prowess for transmitting microwave signals at certain preferred times related to the targeted star's proper motion, can lead to an enhanced transmission efficiency, making it more likely that the recipient will be able to detect those signals. In a similar vein, Filippova and others [55] have suggested that ETIs might make use of the moment of opposition to ensure that a narrow optical beam aimed at a star would be detectable at a target planet approaching opposition. Dr. John Rather, in the August, 1991 issue of the JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY (JBIS) [56], describes huge Optical ETI Page 22 ========================================================================= Table 2 Summary of SETI performance for (symmetrical) professional heterodyne communication systems over a range of 10 light years. ========================================================================= MICROWAVE SETI OPTICAL SETI PARAMETER SINGLE DISH INFRARED VISIBLE ========================================================================= 1. Wavelength 0.20 m 10,600 nm 656 nm 2. Frequency, Hz 1.50 X 10^9 2.83 X 10^13 4.57 X 10^14 ========================================================================= TRANSMITTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Diameter, m 100 10 10 4. Gain, dB 63.9 129.4 153.6 5. FWHM Beamwidth, arcsecs. 421 0.223 0.0138 6. Power, kW 1 1 1 7. EIRP, W 2.47 X 10^9 8.78 X 10^15 2.29 X 10^18 ========================================================================= RECEIVERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Diameter, m 100 10 10 9. Gain, dB 63.9 129.4 153.6 10. FWHM Beamwidth, arcsecs. 421 0.223 0.0138 11. FWHM Diameter, A.U. 1,290 0.684 0.0423 12. Intensity, W/m^2 2.19 X 10^-26 7.81 X 10^-20 2.04 X 10^-17 13. Signal, W 1.72 X 10^-22 6.13 X 10^-18 1.60 X 10^-15 14. Photon Count, s^-1 NA 163 2,640 15. Equivalent Magnitude NA NA +22.7 16. Quantum Efficiency NA 0.5 0.5 17. Effec. Noise Temp., K 10 2,719 43,900 18. Planckian, W/m^2.Hz* 8.80 X 10^-33 1.07 X 10^-25 2.74 X 10^-24 19. Star Stellar Magnitude NA NA +2.2 20. Relative Brightness, % NA NA 6.2 X 10^-7 21. Alien Planet Magnitude NA NA +24 22. SPR, dB* 64.0 55.7 65.7 23. Minimum SPR, dB* 64.0 69.5 115.7 24. Daylight, W/m^2.sr.nm NA 2 X 10^-3 1 X 10^-1 25. SDR, dB* NA 50.6 106.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. SNR, dB* 1.0 22.1 34.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27. Radial Doppler, Hz 1.0 X 10^5 1.9 X 10^9 3.1 X 10^10 28. Orbital Doppler, Hz 1.5 X 10^5 2.8 X 10^9 4.6 X 10^10 29. Synchronous Chirp, Hz/s 1.1 X 10^0 2.1 X 10^4 3.4 X 10^5 30. Ground-Based Chirp, Hz/s 1.7 X 10^-1 3.2 X 10^3 5.1 X 10^4 31. Symbiotic Cost, $M 2 20 20 32. Ground-Based Cost, $M 200 200 200 33. Space-Based Cost, $M 100 10,000 10,000 ========================================================================= FWHM = Full Width Half Maximum (3 dB beamwidth). 1 Astronomical Unit (A.U.) = 1.496 X 10^11 m. 1 Light Year (L.Y.) = 9.461 X 10^15 m = 63,239 A.U. 1 parsec (psc) = 3.26 L.Y. Page 23 * Signal-To-Noise (SNR) and Signal-To-Planck/Daylight (SPR and SDR) Ratios assume polarized starlight and background, with no Fraunhofer dark-line suppression (typically 10 to 20 dB). Signal-To-Noise Ratios (SNRs) in the galactic plane fall at the rate of 20 dB per decade of range (see Equ. 38), out to approximately one thousand light years in the visible regime, where attenuation by gas and dust begins to become significant. The attenuation in the visible, of 4 dB per three thousand light years (equivalent to a one stellar magnitude reduction in brightness), drops significantly away from the galactic plane. The following numbers refer to the line numbers given in Table 2 and give a more detailed description of the parameters: 5. Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) far-field beamwidth (Equ. 4). 8. The Cyclops Array proposed in 1971 consisted of nine hundred 100-meter diameter dishes (of the type modelled in the table) covering an area 6.4 kilometers in diameter. 11. Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) size of received beam (Equ. 5). 14. The rate at which photons are detected (Equ. 36). 15. Apparent visual magnitude of transmitter is not corrected for visible wavelength (Equ. 2). 20. Relative brightness of transmitter in comparison to unpolarized Planckian starlight from a G-type star (black-body at 5,800 K). 21. Apparent Stellar Magnitude of reflected Planckian starlight from a Jupiter-size extrasolar planet. Note that if we want to detect an extrasolar planet directly, it is easier to do so by detecting its emitted heat in the infrared than by detecting reflected light in the visible. 22. Signal-To-Planck Ratio (SPR) for a solar-type star at the heterodyned I.F. frequency, assuming star and transmitter are not separately resolved. 23. Minimum Signal-To-Planck Ratio (SPR) for a solar-type star at the heterodyned I.F. frequency, assuming star and transmitter are separately resolved (Equ. 9). 24. Background daylight sky radiance for ground-based visible and infrared telescopes. For the latter, the 300 K temperature of the atmosphere presents a relatively constant 24 hour/day background. 25. Signal-To-Daylight Ratio (SDR) per pixel for diffraction-limited ground-based visible and infrared telescopes. Page 24 26. For convenience, SNRs (CNRs) are normalized to a 1 Hz electrical bandwidth. The value for the microwave system is given by Equ. 29. The values for the optical systems are given by Equs. 32 and 34. 27. Typical Doppler Shift (+/-) due to line-of-sight relative motions between stars at 20 km/s (Equ. 39). 28. Maximum local Doppler Shift (+/-) due to motion of transmitter/ receiver around solar-type star (1 A.U. orbit). 29. Maximum local Doppler Drift (+/-) for transmitter/receiver in geosynchronous orbit around Earth-type planet (Equ. 40). 30. Maximum local Doppler Drift (+/-) for a ground-based equatorial transmitter/receiver on an Earth-type planet. 31. Approximate ground-based receiver cost (millions), assuming re-use or sharing of existing observatories in each hemisphere. 32. Approximate ground-based receiver cost (millions), assuming a new dedicated (adaptive) telescope in each hemisphere. 33. Approximate receiver cost (millions) for a single space-based telescope. A very conservative estimate has been used. transmitting arrays which are of planetary size, sending out powerful Free-Electron Laser beams to an enormous number of stars simultan- eously. Huge arrays can provide an extended Rayleigh (near-field) range so that the flux densities remain constant (the inverse square law does not apply) out to considerable distances (Equ. 7, Page 74). Table 2, Line 15 - In this table, the apparent visual magnitude and brightness of a star, planet, or transmitter, is given for comparison purposes, and is defined only for visible wavelengths, since infrared light is invisible. The apparent visual magnitude of the transmitter is essentially independent of the optical detection bandwidth as long as it is equal to or greater than the signal bandwidth, i.e., it is the same for an optical bandwidth of 1 Hz, 1 MHz, or 1 THz; these band- widths being much less than that of the human eye. Table 2, Line 20 - This shows the apparent visual intensity of the transmitter with respect to the alien star (Equ. 2). If the 656 nm 1 kW transmitter power is increased by six orders of magnitude to 1 GW, the received signal will increase to 1.6 nW (2.6 X 10^9 photons detected per second), and the Carrier-To-Noise Ratio (CNR) will increase to 94 dB. In a 30 MHz bandwidth this CNR will fall to 19 dB. This is more than adequate to transmit a standard analog NTSC/PAL/SECAM F.M. video Page 25 signal over 10 light years, though at a range of 100 light years the CNR would fall to an unusable -1 dB (the F.M. threshold is typically 7 to 10 dB). Table 2, Line 23 - The Signal-To-Planck Ratio (SPR) on this line takes into account the ability of large diffraction-limited optical telescopes to spatially separate in the focal plane, the image of the transmitted signal from the image of the aliens' star (Equs. 8 and 9). This leads to the Signal-To-Planckian Ratio (SPR) being about 10 dB greater than the Signal-To-Daylight Ratio (SDR). Clearly, even when the signal source and Planckian noise (Equ. 3) are not optically separable, the ratio of the signal to the Planckian background noise is much greater than the quantum shot noise SNR, so it is not limiting on performance. Contrary to statements in the literature [12], there may be no need to select a laser wavelength to coincide with a Fraunhofer line if optical heterodyne reception is assumed. This is really useful only when incoherent optical detection techniques are employed (see the later material on Amateur Optical SETI) with their relatively wideband optical filters. However, it might be advisable to avoid bright emission lines that rise substantially above the continuum level. For an advanced technical society, a laser transmitting telescope is only "slightly" more difficult to construct than a microwave transmitting dish, though Isaac Asimov appeared to think otherwise in the late 1970s. Towards the end of his 1979 book, EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIVILIZATIONS [12] (page 263), Asimov says: "With laser light we come closer to a practical signaling device than anything yet mentioned, but even a laser signal originating from some planet would, at great distances, be drowned out by the general light of the star the planet circles." He goes on to say: "One possibility that has been suggested is this: The spectra of Sun-type stars have numerous dark lines representing missing photons - photons that have been preferentially absorbed by specific atoms in the stars' atmospheres. Suppose a planetary civilization sends out a strong laser beam at the precise energy level of one of the prominent dark lines of the star's spectrum. That would brighten that dark line...." Asimov went on to imply that a laser system was complicated and that no civilization would be expected to use the harder method if a simpler (microwave) method is available. This erroneous idea that laser transmitters have to outshine stars to be detectable has unfortunately been accepted by many in the SETI community. Dr. Jill Tarter [24] (Chapter 14, SETI: THE FARTHEST FRONTIER, Page 192) has said that "Any optical communications signal coming from a planet circling a distant star would have to outshine the star itself in order for us to detect it.". As we have seen, this is simply not true. Indeed, as we shall show later, even small incoherent receivers with optical bandwidths as large as 100 GHz can produce electronically detectable signals at intensities considerably below that of nearby stars. Note that this statement has nothing to do with the assumed technical beaming prowess of ETIs, only that a visible Page 26 wavelength signal strong enough for good communications, is still weak compared to a star's visual brightness (intensity). With optical heterodyne receivers, whose performance is essentially independent of the optical pre-mixing bandwidth (the effective optical bandwidth for background noise calculations is equal to the electrical intermediate frequency bandwidth), there does not appear to be any necessity to operate within a Fraunhofer dark absorption line in order to avail ourselves of 10 to 20 dB of Planckian continuum noise suppression. The "magic-wavelength" would thus be determined only by the availability of highly efficient and coherent laser frequencies. Table 2, Line 25 - The high Signal-To-Daylight (background) ratio indicates that Optical SETI is one of the few branches of optical astronomy, save for solar astronomy, which can be conducted during daylight hours under a clear, blue Earth sky. Since the background detected per diffraction limited pixel is essentially independent of aperture, this ratio (shown for 45 degrees to the zenith) is proportional to the receiving telescope's aperture area, as is the quantum SNR. The Signal-To- Nightlight ratio for ground-based observatories is some 80 dB greater. Thus, it is suggested that Optical SETI observations with the great optical telescopes of Earth could be conducted during daylight hours while conventional astronomy is conducted at night. Also, telescopes which have been decommissioned due to light pollution effects might be brought back into service. A future symbiotic relationship (sharing of facilities) between Optical SETI and conventional astronomy, could allow Optical SETI to be conducted for one-tenth the cost indicated on Line 32 for dedicated observatories, i.e., for about twenty million dollars (United States currency). Continued