EJASA - Part 9Page 56 DISCUSSION The thirty-year-old rationale which would have us believe that the low frequency end of the microwave regime is the place to search for ETI signals is seriously suspect. If the underlying assumption of present-day SETI lore that the best ETIs could do would be to send us very weak low bandwidth signals is swept away, then almost all the so-called problems that are usually advanced to dismiss the optical approach become insignificant. This is even more so if the use of optical heterodyne reception is assumed. The increased immunity of such systems to background noise means that the signal detectability constraints set by Planckian starlight are essentially removed. In addition, with dechirping of the local-oscillator to remove local Doppler drift along the line-of-sight, problems from local Doppler drift are eliminated. Because of the very narrow field-of-view of a photodetector array, Doppler drift compensation can be made simultaneously to all pixels in the array to a very high degree. The larger bandwidths mean that the effects of finite laser linewidths, Doppler shift and residual drift are minimized, and the number of frequencies to search in the entire optical spectrum is in reality no more than in the microwave spectrum. Up to now, the SETI community has taken some comfort in the fact that the obvious explanation as to why we have not detected ETI signals is simply that they are too weak and that we need sophisticated hardware and signal processing algorithms to extract this information. An even simpler explanation for the lack of success so far is that there are strong signals but they are elsewhere in the electromagnetic spectrum. Of course, Tipler [39] has an even more simpler explanation. It is the author's prediction that in years to come, it will be hard to understand how anyone in the late Twentieth Century, e.g., people like Frank Tipler, could think it possible that humanity was all alone - that Earth is atypical in that we are the "first civilization". If anything, it is far more likely that the answer to "Where are they?" is that we live in a "Cosmic Zoo". Tipler believes that ETI tech- nologies only slightly superior to our own, if they exist, would have produced self-replicating von Neumann machines (probes) that would have rapidly populated the galaxy. Therefore, since we have not detected these machines or they have not contacted us, ETIs do not exist. The "Cosmic Zoo" rationale is probably the only viable alternative explanation as to why ETIs do not appear to have colonized the entire galaxy. We could just as easily be a typical or atypical civilization, developing in a sector of the galaxy that is off limits for physical contact, i.e, the Prime Directive so much loved by STAR TREK fans. As was stated in the Preface, if the author has any doubts about the efficacy of the Optical SETI, it surely has to do with the Kingsley Paradox of "why communicate when one can just as easily travel?". Nevertheless, the author is sufficiently convinced about the plausibility of this Optical SETI rationale to believe it worthwhile to construct his own Optical SETI Observatory and mount his own search. He intends to start this project as soon as possible. Page 57 The author has taken some pains to try and understand why he believes Tipler is wrong. The author finds it very difficult to accept that only once in the ten billion year history of our galaxy has intelligent life arisen. Secondly, since the dawn of the Space Age, i.e., since about 1957, he has thought that life was common throughout the galaxy, and as a STAR TREK and science fiction fan, he has believed that the future for mankind was in space. Thus, the idea that there would be no one to meet out there is an anathema. It is the author's intuitive feeling, that soon we will learn that life appears relatively rapidly, given the right environmental conditions. Life, rather than being the exception to the rule, is the inevitable consequence of the mixture of certain elements, temperatures, cosmic catastrophes, and time. In the roughly fifteen billion year existence of the Universe, there will have been no shortage of the latter. At the moment, we still have a very sketchy picture of how life arose on this planet - that possibly, lines of evolution were erased and new lines initiated several times during Earth's history, due to bombardment by meteors, planetoids and comets. If ETIs are operating in the visible spectrum we should not expect to see flashing lights in the sky, for the power required to do this and outshine their stars is much greater than required to establish a decent communications channel. Free space optical communications will be a mature technology for any spacefaring civilization. It seems reasonable to assume that they will spinoff this technology for SETI transmitters should they wish to contact emerging technical civilizations. The fact that optical magic frequencies are hard to identify at this time, save for 10,600 nm, is not an argument that such frequencies do not exist. Perhaps the only reasons for ETIs to build very large microwave arrays would be to eavesdrop on radio frequency leakage from primitive technical civilizations (like us), to beam microwave power, for astro- physical research, or to communicate with other galaxies. Even this author has some problems in believing that the civilizations of extraterrestrials would be so altruistic and long-lived to attempt electromagnetic communications across the intergalactic voids. The interstellar eavesdropping scenario is also problematic, as it is likely that a developing technical civilization only produces substantial radio frequency leakage for a short period in its history. In time, other technologies like fiber optics will replace high-power radio and TV transmitters, and military radar systems will be decommissioned. For this reason, if we attempt eavesdropping with large radio frequency antennas ourselves, failure to detect such signals may not imply very much about the existence or lack thereof of ETIs. Thus, if the MOP does not detect ETI in the next decade, we should not jump to the conclusion that we are alone in the Milky Way galaxy. On the other hand, some civilizations may be continually threatened by cosmic catastrophes in the form of bombardment by planetoids. These races may have instigated powerful radar early warning systems for planetary defense purposes. These comments are good examples of how difficult it is to predict the future. Even Arthur C. Clarke and Page 58 Stanley Kubrick appear to have been caught out by Pan Am going bankrupt before it had a chance to ply the heavens between Earth and the Moon (2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, to the strains of the "Blue Danube"), or that there would be no Soviet Union in 1992, let alone in 2001 or 2010! We can only hope (and pray) that there will be a dynamic American Space Program in 2001. We should not be too hard on Arthur Clarke, for without his idea concerning "Extra-Terrestrial Relays" (Page 41), when the word "Extraterrestrial" meant something completely different, the Soviet Union might still be in existence. One notes in passing, that the spaceship DISCOVERY, which was central to Arthur Clarke's 2001 and its sequel 2010, used microwave dishes for its communication's link with Earth. [94-96] Surely, the main (high-gain) link should have been a laser-based system, notwithstanding the bright Earth background, and the high solar background that might on occasion be viewed by the DISCOVERY looking back towards Earth! A heterodyning telescope of several meters diameter on the DISCOVERY, and a similar system on or near Earth, could easily sustain a 1-10 Gbit/s data rate out to Jupiter and beyond. We cannot even be sure that ETIs would want their signals to be detected within an atmosphere or otherwise too easily. These are prevalent assumptions among most SETI proponents. There might be logical reasons for ETIs to think that only when a technical civilization begins to "emerge" from its planet would it be truly mature enough, and in a culturally receptive frame of mind, to receive signals from ETIs. Thus, the recipients' atmosphere itself might be used as an automatic protective blanket to avoid cultural shock. In a way, the electromagnetic search for ETI is one of the greatest hunts and detective stories ever. Unfortunately, there are still so few clues. CONCLUSIONS The author feels that it is still an open question as to what are the optimum electromagnetic frequencies for interstellar communi- cations. As he concluded in his talk last year to the SETI Institute: "The jury is still out as to whether ETIs are signalling with low- energy microwave photons, or with high-energy optical photons". What the author will say is that he feels a strong case has been made in this paper for the SETI community and NASA to review their present attitude towards the optical approach. This does not mean that the Microwave Observing Project (MOP) should be abandoned or severely modified, since clearly we need to do a exhaustive search in the microwave spectrum. Some of the signal processing techniques developed for MOP will also be applicable to the optical search. In many ways the Cyclops Report may have become the cornerstone upon which much of present-day SETI lore rests. While the report itself was a very comprehensive study of Microwave SETI, and of high technical quality, certain very conservative assumptions in that study lead this author to consider the report flawed. Just like for NASA's studies of the efficacy and cost of Microwave PowerSat technology back in the 1970's, if we ask the wrong questions we are likely to get incorrect answers. Attempting to lift all the material for PowerSats Page 59 from the deep gravitational well of Earth is sure to make the technology uneconomic and damaging to the environment. Sweep away the inherent anthropocentric Assumption of Ineptitude of present SETI lore and the problems associated with the optical approach disappear. There appear to be some indications of group-think within the SETI community, where it is easier to agree with the consensus than disagree. The U.S. Space Shuttle CHALLENGER tragedy of 1986 is a classic example of how group-think and the desire to conform can have immense ramifi- cations. The issues may not be so acute here: Nevertheless, they represent an impediment to the acceptance of new (or revisited) ideas. Planning for an extensive optical search should be started now, so that if by the year 2000 the results of the MOP are negative, we can immediately initiate Professional Optical SETI activities. This would be a natural extension to MOP so that the program could eventually be renamed MOOP, the Microwave and Optical Observing Project. In the meantime, amateur astronomers could be conducting a low-level (low-sensitivity) optical search, helping to establish some ground rules for a later high-sensitivity professional optical search. It is believed that Professional Optical SETI with large hetero- dyning telescopes is compatible with Professional Optical Astronomy in that they can share most of the hardware, yet be undertaken at different times so as not to interfere with each other's observations. There is theoretical and experimental evidence to suggest that the new adaptive telescope technology using Rayleigh or Sodium Resonance Fluorescence laser guide stars [69] can be made to work during daylight hours. This clearly has important ramifications for the concept of Symbiotic (Serendip) Optical SETI. The idea of modifying Earth's Great Optical Telescopes for Symbiotic (Serendip) Professional Optical SETI has many attractions; where the scientific endeavors of conventional and SETI astronomy could be of mutual benefit to each other. There is probably a case here for an automated retrospective historical study of stellar spectrographic plates to see if ETI signals actually exist and are on record. It is quite possible that anomalous spectral lines will be found in the record, signifying laser trans- missions, but which had previously been overlooked, fogged the film, saturated the recording media, been mistaken for natural bright emission lines, or put down to "technical problems with the spectro- graphic equipment". It would not be the first time that a major scientific discovery had been missed for lack of attention and curiosity. There does appear to be some doubt as to whether C.W. ETI signals, if present, would have been accidently detected during conventional optical astronomy and recognized for what they were. This is the crux of the matter as far as the efficacy of Amateur Optical SETI is concerned. It is left as an exercise for others to determine the probability of missing an ETI signal at any particular flux level. It is the very concept that ETIs are supposed to be rare which makes it plausible to suggest that the historic accidental discovery of ETI by optical astronomers would be unlikely. Page 60 Initially, to reduce the optical search time, we would concentrate on efficient laser transition frequencies presently known to humanity, and Fraunhofer dark lines. It is suggested that we must keep an open mind here. For thirty years we have been digging relatively deep trenches in a very small corner of our electromagnetic backyard. Was it prudent to do this without at least turning over the topsoil in the rest of the electromagnetic garden, particularly in that part of the spectrum where solar output peaks, and which tells us and ETIs most about our Universe? The study also seems to indicate that the amateur SETI enthusiast could make a useful contribution to the search using medium-size amateur optical telescopes with photon-counting receivers. It is certainly more debatable whether Optical ETI signals are present at sufficient flux intensities to be detectable by small incoherent telescopes. However, although the theoretical SNRs described for small photon-counting (direct-detection) receiving telescopes are not particularly impressive, even if very high mean EIRPs are assumed, it must be remembered that ETI signals are likely to be pulsed and far more detectable than the C.W. signals assumed here for the simplified analyses. This would be particularly true for detection systems with optical bandwidths greater than 100 GHz. Today, the technology is available to construct efficient, highly-sensitive photon-counting receivers for the visible and near- infrared regimes. For several thousand dollars, top-of-the-line amateur optical telescopes could be equipped with the instrumentation to make unattended frequency searches of selected targeted stars. If this new scientific endeavor really takes off, market growth will lead to considerable reductions in hardware and software costs, making this activity more affordable. Not only would it be possible to slave many amateur telescopes together at one site, to produce the equivalent of a larger telescope, but it may also be possible to slave telescopes at different sites and average the data. This would, of course, require accurate time synchronization between the telescopes, though this should not be much of a problem. However, the requirement to match the wavelength accuracy of the optical filter or monochromator to within 100 GHz is probably a more severe obstacle. In the case of co-site slaving, where pre-detection combining of photons would occur, the SNR would increase at a rate proportional to the number of identical telescopes. For remote site slaving, where only post-detection electrical signal combining could be employed, the SNR would increase at a rate proportional to the square root of the number of identical telescopes. While it is the author's view that Professional Optical SETI ought not to required the use of more sophisticated signal processing algorithms like KLTs [73,86] for extracting very weak pulsed signals from noise, Amateur Optical SETI may well benefit from its use. Perhaps one of the interesting aspects of the Amateur Optical SETI concept using incoherent detection is that not only may there be a useful contribution made by the enthusiast, but that such activities Page 61 may occur before Professional (Visible) Optical SETI and its coherent detection systems get established. A low-level search by amateurs might help set some of the criteria for later professional searches, even if the results are negative. Amateur optical SETI has the potential to bring SETI to the masses, something that has not really been possible at microwave frequencies, except in a limited way for a few enthusiastic radio hams with modified satellite receivers (AMSETI). [26] It also has the power to cause a renaissance in public interest for astronomy and the night sky. It is an activity in which amateur optical astronomers who live in big cities can participate, unincumbered by light pollution, the bane of conventional amateur astronomers. This could be the opportunity to dust off those old telescopes and put them to use again. It is clear, [27-29] that today there is an enormous interest in SETI amongst the population. Professional SETI scientists could tap into that interest to receive increased SETI funding and the cooperation of enthusiastic amateurs. It does not appear that Amateur Optical SETI at the infrared Carbon Dioxide (CO2) wavelength of 10,600 nm would be very sensible because of the limitations set by the essentially 24-hour day, 300 K temperature background of the atmosphere, particularly for small apertures. As we have seen, Professional Optical SETI in the visible and near-infrared can use coherent or incoherent optical receivers. The coherent approach is generally more sensitive but far more complex and expensive. However, based on performance considerations, both ground- based Professional and Amateur Optical SETI in the infrared would have to be restricted to coherent receivers. This represents a complexity and cost problem for the amateur. Of course, there could be very powerful CO2 ETI transmitters present, as powerful as conjectured for Visible SETI that have so far escaped detection, for we may not been looking in the right direction at the right moment, with suitable detection equipment. The CO2 observational work now being undertaken by Dr. Albert Betz and Professor Charles Townes [57] is addressing this issue. Presently, Dr. Jill Tarter and Deborah Schwartz-Koyler of the SETI Institute are involved with a NASA project (NASA NCC 2-407) titled: "Supporting Research and Technology Activities in the Preparation of a Three-Dimensional Map of the Infrared Sky". The goal of this project is to construct a detailed three dimensional model of the infrared sky, which will enable us to reconsider the question of the "best" frequency at which to conduct a search for electromagnetic radiation, which is indicative of the existence of an extraterrestrial technological civilization. Thus, despite the general consensus that Microwave SETI has the greatest likelihood for success, others are even now beginning to probe deeper into the infrared part of the optical spectrum. Since the start of modern-day SETI thirty two years ago, a strong Microwave SETI constituency has developed. It will be understandable if this author's views are attacked by that community, for many SETI researchers have much at stake - decades of work invested in the microwave regime and professional reputations. I would council the Page 62 following thought: The public, and by that I mean the taxpayer, and Members of Congress, should clearly be informed that it is quite possible that the search for ETI in the microwave spectrum will be unsuccessful - not because such signals are not present, but because we are presently tuned to the wrong frequencies. It may well be necessary to extend the search into the optical regime before we can be sure whether electromagnetic ETI signals do or do not exist. It will not look good for the SETI community if, in ten years time, they have to go back to Congress, cap in hand, and ask for more funding to extend the search into the optical regime after decades of maintaining that the optical approach was useless. Note that these sentiments have previously been expressed privately to both the SETI Institute and NASA. It is the author's contention that SETI has been "hijacked" by radio astronomers. It should now be clear to the reader that for humanity to have devoted less than 5 percent of its SETI observation programs to the optical regime, and an even smaller percentage to basic Optical SETI research, was probably unwise. The author hopes that readers will urge the SETI Institute, NASA, and Congress to rectify this omission. NASA should be able to put an end to recent problems in deploying large high-gain microwave antennas in space, e.g., on the Galileo probe, by moving to fixed high-gain optical antennas as soon as possible. During the next few decades, other lights (visible and near- infrared) will appear in the sky of terrene origin: they will be the advanced laser communication systems of GEO and LEO satellites, along with signals coming back to Earth from NASA's next generation of deep space probes. [63-66] Sometime next century, humans will be seen walking on the planet Mars. These HDTV television signals are likely to traverse most of the distance between Mars and Earth via laser, be relayed around the globe via laser-based geosynchronous satellites, and arrive in people's home via optical fiber. When humanity sends out (non-relativistic) interstellar probes to investigate nearby star systems, the data and pictures of those encounters (hopefully with other planetary systems) will come back to Earth via laser. The computer technology of the day will also be substantially dependent on photonics. See the January 13, 1992 issue of NEWSWEEK (pp. 56-57) for the article on "The Highway to the Future", describing a fiber-optic multi-gigabit data highway system being proposed for the United States. Also see the January 9, 1992 issue of ELECTRONIC DESIGN (pp. 73-80) for the article on "The World of Communications is Moving to Fiber Optics". The author has seen the future, and it is photonic. Truly, the superior communications and computing technology of the future will be photonic, a technology that is likely to be around for a while. Indeed, in the future, one of the main uses for low-gain microwave space communications might well be the "acquisition" of the party at the other end of the link, so that the high-gain laser communications system can be locked on! The amateur SETI enthusiast, with the right photonic receiving equipment, will be able to tune in on these Earth-bound optical transmissions. How ironic, that next century the complaint will surely arise, that terrene optical transmissions are interfering with our ability to carry out Optical SETI free of false alarms! Now where have we heard that before? Page 63 We end as we began. If we look at the basic beliefs that differentiate the proponents of the Microwave and Optical SETI rationales, or the belief in Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), an area that has been even more controversial than SETI, we find that the respective convictions hinge on our assumptions about the technical abilities of ETIs. In the case of Microwave SETI, the proponents believe that while intelligent life within in galaxy is not rare, that ETIs do not have the technical wherewithal to get the full benefits of the superior optical technology for interstellar communications. If the reader subscribes to the Optical SETI rationale, they will additionally believe that ETIs have the technical prowess to use the superior laser technology in an effective manner. Advocates of UFOs essentially accept that ETI technology is so superior to our own that rapid interstellar travel is easy for them, and if these ETIs actually wanted to make contact, they would make physical contact. In the end, the reader's belief will be limited only by their own vision. The theoretical results quoted in this paper are based on standard text book relationships, familiar to students of electrical engineering, physics, and astronomy. Please refer to Appendix A for a list of most of these formulas and specimen calculations. Perhaps the main reason for the difference between the conclusions of this analysis and many previous comparative SETI analyses, is that the author has shown a bit more imagination. A few additional closing statements. It may appear from the author's comments throughout this document that he does not hold high regards for the efforts over the past thirty two years of many noted (microwave) SETI scientists. This would be far from the truth. It is the nature of science that for every two steps forward, it may often take a step back in the light of new discoveries or new ideas. It is very easy with hindsight to criticize those who have gone before, but without their predecessors' work and developments in other scientific fields and technologies, it is unlikely that the new discovery or idea would ever have seen the light of day. Each generation of scientists and engineers builds on the foundations laid by earlier generations. Readers are reminded that there is little which is innovative about the contents of this document which have not previously been described by Charles Townes [46-47,80] and others - the author has just been a bit more forceful. Innovative ideas, like good wines, take time to mature. The author hopes that the effort he has expended in this revisiting of the optical approach to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence will at last cause Optical SETI to be seriously considered by the scientific community as warranting closer study. This paper could be the start of an exciting new chapter in both SETI and professional/amateur optical astronomy. One thing which can be said for certain is that should a professional or amateur astronomer discover electromagnetic (radio or optical) signals from ETIs, neither they nor humanity will ever be the same. There is no doubt that a Nobel Prize will await the discoverer. Perhaps now is the time to get familiar with those Post-Detection SETI Protocols! [25] See Appendix B for a description of these protocols.