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Hawaii '99 Photo Galleries


Photo taken on the island of Kauai, 1983 (46617 bytes)

Copyright: Stuart Kingsley

The Island of Kauai, '83



Photo taken on the Kona beach, Big island of Hawaii, 1983 (46702 bytes)

Copyright: Stuart Kingsley

The Big Island, '83



Photo taken near Lahaina, the island of Maui, 1978 (53226 bytes)

Copyright: Stuart Kingsley

The Island of Maui, '78



Photo taken on Waikiki Beach, the island of Oahu, 1978 (51998 bytes)

Copyright: Stuart Kingsley

The Island of Oahu, '78


All the photographs appearing in the galleries below were taken on a Sony Digital Mavica MVC-FD91 camera.  Click on the 320 pixel images to view the respective 1024 pixel images (fast Internet access recommended).  Some of the larger images have been cropped.  If you wish to use any of these pictures, please quote the picture number that appears above each photograph when requesting permission.  This has been my fifth visit to the Hawaiian Islands over the past twenty one years (1978, 1980, 1983, 1987 and 1999).  The first two visits were from England via the U.S. Mainland.  You might guess that if I had the opportunity to move the COSETI Observatory to Hawaii, I would do so.  A beach-front property and dome not too far from Honolulu would suit me fine!

Stuart Kingsley
September 6, 1999



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