Links2 Go Key SETI Resource

May 7, 1999
The page titled "Columbus Optical SETI Observatory (Coseti Observatory)
- the Optical Search f...", at,
was selected
as a Links2Go "Key Resource" in the SETI topic, at
o How your page was selected
Each quarter, Links2Go samples millions of web pages to determine
which pages are most heavily cited by web pages authors, such
as yourself. The most popular pages are downloaded and automatically
categorized by topic. At most 50 of the pages related to a topic
are selected as "Key Resources." Out of 29 pages selected as Key
Resources for the SETI topic, your page ranked 6th. For topics
like Music, where there are a large number of interested authors
and related pages, it is harder to achieve selection as a Key
Resource than for a special-interest topic, such as Quantum Physics.
The Links2Go Key Resource award differs from other awards in two
important ways. First, it is objective. Most awards rely on hand
selection by one or more "experts," many of whom have only looked
at tens or hundreds of thousands of pages in bestowing their awards.
Selection for these awards means no more than that one person,
somewhere, noticed your page and liked it enough to select it.
The Key Resource award, on the other hand, is based on an analysis
of millions of web pages. Any group or organization who conducts
a similar analysis will arrive at similar conclusions. When Links2Go
says your page is a Key Resource, we mean that your page is one
of the most relevant pages related to a particular topic on the
web today, using an objective statistical measure applied to an
extremely large data set.
Second, the Key Resource award is exclusive. We get literally
hundreds of people requesting that their page be added to one
or more topics per week. All of these requests are denied. The
only way to get listed as a Key Resource is to achieve enough
popularity for our analysis to select your pages automatically.
We do not accept fees, offers of link exchanges, free advertising,
or bartered livestock as inducements to add new sites to our lists.
Fewer than one page in one thousand will ever be selected as a
Key Resource.
o Do I need to do anything?
You do not need to take any action to qualify for the award. Your
page has already been selected and is already listed as a Key
Resource. Pages that rank near the top of the list of Key Resources
will almost certainly remain Key Resources on subsequent rebuilds
of the index. Pages that are ranked near the bottom of the list
may be "knocked off" the list or be assigned to different topics
on later rebuilds. No action you take, other than steps to increase
the popularity of your web pages, will have any effect on future
If, however, you wish to display an award graphic on your web
page and/or link back to your topic, additional information can
be found at
This is at your
sole discretion. If you choose not to display the award for any
reason, it will have no effect on later selection.
o If your page has been incorrectly categorized
Sometimes, pages are categorized incorrectly, particularly for
pages near the bottom of the list for special-interest topics.
If your page has been incorrectly categorized, please accept our
apologies. As we improve the system and sample more and more pages,
such mistakes will be corrected automatically.
o If your page has moved to a new address
We are currently working on facilities that will allow page authors
to maintain their listings on-line (such as changes in URL, title
changes, etc.). In the meantime, our software will usually detect
that a page has been relocated to a new address or has changed
title automatically each time we rebuild the index. Please be
patient and wait for this automatic update if at all possible.
o If you are not the author of the page
Our software attempts to identify the page author from email addresses
on the page. Sometimes, when there are multiple email addresses
listed, we grab the wrong address for the page author. Please
accept our apologies if this is the case. We would appreciate
it if you would forward this email to the appropriate person.
o I need to speak to a human
If you absolutely must speak to a live person, please send email
to marc(at)links2go(dot)com. Note that Marc receives over 100
email messages a day, so there might be considerable lag between
your emails and any responses.
o Do you have a list? Will I get more email?
You will receive only one notification of selection as a Key Resource
(this notification). This is the only email you will ever receive
from us, unless you contact us and request a reply. We keep a
list of email addresses we have contacted so that we _never_ send
that address another email message. If you have multiple email
addresses listed on different pages, and these pages are each
selected as Key Resources, you may receive at most one email per
page per address.
Once again, congratulations on your award!
Links2Go Awards