Joan Lettin

75-Year Old Stroke Victim


Joan had a stroke in her home and was rushed to Barnet hospital where she was comatosed and we her family were told that she would not survive the night.  She was taken from the A & E to the Trauma Unit where she remained with no signs of improvement.  The family were acquainted with Philip Luxembourg who came round gladly to see how he could help two days later.  Philip was ushered into the little side room where Joan lay where she was on full respiratory assistance.  There was full monitoring of her vital signs etc with  tubes for her feeding and draining.  She looked a very sorry sight.  We were told to expect the worst at any time.

Philip was quite relaxed and immediately brought to the room a sense of peace, feeling of confidence and quiet assurance to all present.  He seemed to sense mother’s life condition or aura or energy about her and grasped the seriousness of Joan’s condition.   To an onlooker he seemed to be feeling invisible material in the air, moulding and directing with his hands towards her.  Such his actions seemed quite acceptable in the circumstances.

His actions continued for some ten minutes around mother and whilst I don’t think any of us expected a miracle or even any immediate signs.  We were all astounded to see the monitor portraying mothers vital signs show a marked change to the extent of going “haywire”.  Her heart rate I recall was in the low 40’s seemed to leap up to the 60’s and her heart monitor continued tracing the electrical action of her heart all showed increase strength.  I cannot describe the hope this change although mechanical gave us all.  But Philip was not finished yet and continues his focusing around mum working to re-energize mum. And we just all started praying, wishing, and hoping upon hope that we would see some further signs with mother.  We did not have to wait long before her otherwise glazed eyes looked into space moved and looked towards each of us in turn.  It was one elation after another. Mum could not talk with the pipe though but then started to try.  It was wonderful sight to see us all with mum and we were so thankful.  And Philip well he seemed to know what would be expected.

June 2000



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