Thankful Letter From L. Vanezi


If someone was to tell me just two and a half months ago that I would be writing a letter about how I managed to get rid of my constant headaches and terrible migraine attacks, I would say they were mad.  This is because headaches and migraines for years have been part of my everyday life and I don't think that there is a painkiller out there that I haven't tried.

Philip was recommended to me by a friend and I made an appointment to go and see him as a last resort.  Everything offered to me by traditional ways of curing migraines and headaches had failed to alleviate the pain and the misery I was experiencing.  I had nothing to lose.

From teh first couple of visits I felt calmer, less stressed amd more in control of me.  I could feel the surge of energy travelling through my body and for the whole session I felt relaxed.  I find myself coping better with things that used to cause me stress.  I also find myself not needing painkillers to get out of bed in the morning or to sleep at night, and I have not had a migraine attack for a whole month and a half, which for me is phenomenal!  The how and why I haven't had any headaches is still a mystery to me, but in the meantime I will continue to enjoy the benefits of my healing sessions and enjoy life!

Mrs. L. Vanezi
May 18, 2000


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