Thankful Letter From Mr. M. Petrou


Michael  Petrou
8 Mead Way
London N14  


25th June 1996


Dear Philip,

I am sorry to have delayed in writing but this was due to my being unwell since we last spoke.

As you know, I have been to see you on three occasions over the past couple of years suffering from back problems.  On the first occasion I was rather sceptical whether your treatment would yield results.  I was prepared to visit you however as I had received encouraging reports from my sister who had visited you previously and had found that her own back problems had greatly improved.

I am pleased to say that on all the three occasions that I visited you I felt a great deal of benefit from the treatment received, especially on the last two visits a few months ago.  On that occasion I had strained my back and in fact, I was almost doubled up and in pain and this is how I cam to see you.  After receiving treatment, I was able to walk straight and although the pain has not completely gone I was certainly in less pain and this is how I came to see you.  After receiving treatment I was able to walk straight and although the pain had not completely gone I was certainly in less pain and more mobile when I left.  The second treatment a few days later also helped and within a week of visiting you my back was very much better.  I have recommended you on many occasion but I fear that most of the people that I have recommended you to have not contacted you through, I am bound to say, disbelief  that your treatment could possibly work especially that they are told that there is no physical contact involved.

Of the people that I know have contacted you there is not one who has not benefited in some way from the treatment received.

Yours sincerely,

T. Petrou


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