Corporate Supporter
If you are in business and could help the COSETI Observatory, either with funding or gifts of hardware and software, please contact its Director. Donations are tax deductible though affiliated 501(c)(3) organizations. If you are involved in a technology that could be of use to the observatory, the quid pro quo for your company could be to show-case your new technology in the COSETI Observatory. This could make for an excellent marketing opportunity for your company, and open up new opportunities for your product in the market that will support future OSETI research on this planet by both professional and amateur scientists.
In particular, I would like a donation of: EG&G ORTEC Turbo MCS High-Performance Multichannel Scaler, Model T914 or, or EG&G ORTEC Picosecond Time Analyzer, Model 9308 or Oriel Instruments InstaSpec V Gated ICCD
EG&G Single-Photon-Counting Module (SPCM-14Y)