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Where to buy Signal Processing Hardware


Note that as of 2000, EG&G instrumentation and optoelectronics may now be found on Perkin-Elmer Web sites.


801 South Illinois
Oak Ridge
TN 37831-0895
Tel: (423) 482-4411
Fax: (423) 483-0396
Email: info_ortec@egginc.com



Turbo MCS

EG&G ORTEC's High-Performance Turbo MCS (Multichannel Scaler) system, Model No. T914.  This is a ideal piece of equipment for detecting photon events as short as 5 ns.

Cost (1998 prices) = $6,750 +$305 for PC interface cable and card (Model No. PCBCBL1).

To see detailed catalog information on this product click here (300 kbytes).

To visit the EG&G Web site for info on Multichannel Scalers and Multiple-Stop Time Spectrometer, click here.


Frequency Counters & Time Interval Analyzers
470C Lakeside Drive
CA 94086, USA
Tel. (408) 733-655
Fax. (408) 733-1444


National Instruments
6504 Bridge Point Parkway
TX 78730-5039
Tel: (512) 794-0100
Fax: (512) 794-8411
Email: info@natinst.com

Catalog (1998)


Corporate Supporter


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