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National Solar Observatory

Atlas No. 1


Solar Flux from 300 to 1300 nm


solar_00.gif (10760 bytes)

Click on the images to cycle through the spectrographs


Wavelength Range, nm

Solar Spectrum

Laser Lines

Fraunhofer Lines

Absorption Lines

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  Click on a blue button to access respective page


This series of solar spectra may be taken as a reference for comparing the spectra of solar-type stars when searching for the presence of anomalous bright lines.  The spectra may be used to help locate the presence of continuos wave (cw) monochromatic laser beacons and intense pulsed laser beacons during actual observations.  They may also be employed as an aid for Retrospective Optical SETI.   These plots are reproduced at a spectral resolution considerably larger than produced by spectrometers that will be available to most amateur astronomers.  These high pixel spectral plots are not suitable for printing.  However, a couple or representative spectra, reproduced at a low pixel resolution suitable for printing, may be found by clicking on Solar Type Spectra.


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