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COSETI Observatory Contact Information

& Requests for Public Talks


545 Northview Drive, May 2, 1999 (78246 bytes)

Dr. Stuart A. Kingsley, Director, The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory,
545 Northview Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43209-1051, United States.
Also the registered business address for: ETI Photonics and Fiberdyne Optoelectronics.


The observatory is located the township Bexley, Ohio, about 4 miles from downtown Columbus and close to Port Columbus International Airport.  Bexley "A Special Place" has been made famous by syndicated columnist and best selling author Bob Greene.  Please note that despite the secondary OSU email address which I have used during the past ten years for promoting Optical SETI, I have no affiliation with Ohio State University, other than as a volunteer with their SETI Group.  At this time, Bob Dixon's OSU SETI Group is only involved with Microwave SETI.  The preferred method of contact is via email.

As the OSETI III Conference draws near, I am embarking on a series of public lectures on Optical SETI.  Any organization who would like to invite me to give a talk, in North America or the United Kingdom, should email me their request.  See Talks.   

Stuart Kingsley
Revised: October 28, 2006

Media Information


Main email address
This is the best and most reliable way to make "First Contact"

penciler.gif (5055 bytes)contact info


Sometimes I visit my family in England.  If you can't reach me in the United States and the matter is urgent, try the United Kingdom.  However, I am generally in email contact wherever I am on the planet via a laptop and my main COSETI email account (see footer of every page).

COSETI Observatory Contact Information in England

Crag Head, Bournemouth, April 6, 1999 (80199 bytes)

Tel: 01202-296377, Bournemouth, Dorset, England


Home Glossary
SPIE's OSETI I Conference SPIE's OSETI II Conference
SPIE's OSETI III Conference
The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory
Copyright ©, 1990-2006 Personal Web Site:
Last modified:  10/28/06
Contact Info

COSETI Observatory Contact Information

& Requests for Public Talks


545 Northview Drive, May 2, 1999 (78246 bytes)

Dr. Stuart A. Kingsley, Director, The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory,
545 Northview Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43209-1051, United States.
Also the registered business address for: ETI Photonics and Fiberdyne Optoelectronics.


The observatory is located the township Bexley, Ohio, about 4 miles from downtown Columbus and close to Port Columbus International Airport.  Bexley "A Special Place" has been made famous by syndicated columnist and best selling author Bob Greene.  Please note that despite the secondary OSU email address which I have used during the past ten years for promoting Optical SETI, I have no affiliation with Ohio State University, other than as a volunteer with their SETI Group.  At this time, Bob Dixon's OSU SETI Group is only involved with Microwave SETI.  The preferred method of contact is via email.

As the OSETI III Conference draws near, I am embarking on a series of public lectures on Optical SETI.  Any organization who would like to invite me to give a talk, in North America or the United Kingdom, should email me their request.  See Talks.   

Stuart Kingsley
Revised: October 28, 2006

Media Information


Main email address
This is the best and most reliable way to make "First Contact"

penciler.gif (5055 bytes)contact info


Sometimes I visit my family in England.  If you can't reach me in the United States and the matter is urgent, try the United Kingdom.  However, I am generally in email contact wherever I am on the planet via a laptop and my main COSETI email account (see footer of every page).

COSETI Observatory Contact Information in England

Crag Head, Bournemouth, April 6, 1999 (80199 bytes)

Tel: 01202-296377, Bournemouth, Dorset, England


Home Glossary
SPIE's OSETI I Conference SPIE's OSETI II Conference
SPIE's OSETI III Conference
The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory
Copyright ©, 1990-2006 Personal Web Site:
Last modified:  10/28/06
Contact Info
Search WWW Search www.coseti.org Search www.oseti.net Search www.photonstar.org Search www.opticalseti.org

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