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Other Optical SETI Observatories & Web Sites


On this page will be described the activities of other OSETI researchers and observatories.  If you are interested in having your activities listed here, please send materials to my OSU email address:

Email: Stuart Kingsley



Other Optical SETI Observatories and Web sites:


Over the summer of 1998, the SETI Institute and The Planetary Society announced their first Optical SETI research initiatives.  Here below are a few email comments from Dr. Dan Werthimer and Professor Paul Horowitz:
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:10:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dan Werthimer <danw@ssl.berkeley.edu>
Message-Id: <199809101110.EAA23741@albert.ssl.berkeley.edu>
To: skingsle@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re:  OSETI
X-UIDL: 5533d77ef269478a0a6162a7c6d3b24c
Hi Stuart,
We just put a crude page on our web site about optical SETI
last week - url is seti.ssl.berkeley.edu
It's not nearly as sophisticated as your page. Paul is also
working on something (see link to his page from ours) and has
a better site. I built a pulse detector a couple of years
ago using a pair of 0.6 nS rise time PMT's, a pair of GHz
bandwidth amps and ECL discriminators and ECL coincidence 
logic. The system worked fine, but I never had time to
make very many observations - I just tested the system out,
and then put it away. I'm hoping to set up an observational
program here, along the lines of what you've been doing.
There are also several people at the SETI Institute working
group who are interested in optical (Charlie Townes and I
worked to persuade them this was worth looking into). They
are writing a report, which will come out in book form, 
probably at the end of 1999. John Billingham and I have
suggested that you would make an excellent reviewer of the
section on optical SETI (most of it's radio, but there will
be a chapter on optical), and everyone agreed that you would
be best. 
Charlie's address is cht@ssl.berkeley.edu
How is your search going?
Happy hunting!
Best wishes,


X-Sender: paulh@ (Unverified)
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0.1 
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:35:18 -0400
To: skingsle@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu
From: Paul Horowitz <horowitz@physics.harvard.edu>
Subject: optical seti
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
X-UIDL: 8a2bd5e0ddf6fe16ddfbb42ba64d512f
Hi Stuart,
Dan Werthimer and I are getting into this optical SETI
racket, finally! We've both put up little web pages,
(nothing like yours!!), and they both have links to yours.
Ours is at mc.harvard.edu/hgroup.html, and you can get
to Dan's through it. The page is far from finished, but
it does mention your pioneering interest in several places,
besides the link.
It might be worth putting links on your excellent website,
since I'm sure lots of people go there...
Good luck finding THEM!
Paul Horowitz



Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998
To: Paul Horowitz <horowitz@physics.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: optical seti
Cc: LKlaes@zoomtel.com

Dear Paul,
Nice to hear from you. I think this must be our first
communication,which is strange considering the 8 years I have
been at this game. I have made a quick scan of your OSETI PDF
paper and think it looks excellent. As usual, I come out
always the most optimistic as to potential ETI EIRPs - thus
making it easier for amateurs to detect such signals! I will
give your paper a more detailed review after Rosh Hashanah.
When I have more time I will probably write some comments
about the paper for my web site and put in suitable links.
Over the winter I plan to return to my web site and continue
the upload of more archival materials. The interest in OSETI
from Australians is quite substantial. You are probably aware
that I am planning a speaking tour of Australia next July or
August. Glad to see that you too think daylight OSETI is
possible with professional telescopes.
Now I might ask you the question "What took you so long to
realize that perhaps dividing the bandwidth into smaller and
smaller bins, ala BETA, perhaps was not the best way to go?



X-Sender: paulh@ (Unverified)
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0.1 
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:46:45 -0400
To: "Dr. Stuart A. Kingsley" <skingsle@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu>
From: Paul Horowitz <horowitz@physics.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: optical seti
In-Reply-To: <199809152312.TAA26824@mail2.uts.ohio-state.edu>
References: <199809151829.OAA03802@dan.harvard.edu>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
X-UIDL: cd1da3bb6c588b936d066c3c7033b107
>Now I might ask you the question "What took you so long to realize that
>perhaps dividing the bandwidth into smaller and smaller bins, ala BETA,
>perhaps was not the best way to go?
Hi Stuart,
Well, I guess the absence of signals is a powerful incentive to
try something different!
PS The pdf paper is taken a lot from the stuff I wrote for SI, and
   I will add a comment to that effect on the website; so maybe you
   can make that comment if you extract stuff from it...


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