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The Planetary Society


The Director of The COSETI Observatory has been a member of The Planetary Society since his arrival in the United States in 1981, and since 1990, a volunteer with the Ohio State SETI Group.  It was the frustration of not reading about the optical approach to SETI in The Planetary Report that was partially responsible for the director getting into this field of scientific endeavor.  From this page you will find links to materials connected with Optical SETI that have been published over recent years in The Planetary Report, Bioastronomy News or by people associated with The Planetary Society.  It represents a bit of history and shows how the SETI community very slowly adjusted itself to this revisit of the laser approach to SETI.  See Talks for a partial list of lectures given over the past decade on Optical SETI.



The Planetary Society Certificate of Appreciation


  • See Dr. Bernard M. Oliver for further background information on how the SETI community initially responded to my revisit of Optical SETI at the beginning of the '90s.


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Last modified:  10/28/06
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