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On this page will appear a list of the major changes made since the last update.  Add your email address above to be automatically notified when a major update occurs.


October 31, 2006


November 2, 2003
HST-JWST Optical SETI Open Letter to NASA


February 22, 2003
Cornell Alumnus Helps Fund Earth's Largest Planned Infrared Telescope - Larry Klaes


February 9, 2003
The Silver Lining that is the Space Age - Larry Klaes


February 2, 2003
The Bournemouth Optical SETI Observatory web site


August 11, 2002

Australasian Science, March 2002

Astronomy, September 2002


March 2, 2002

General Maintenance


September 16, 2001

Flag of Earth


September 4, 2001

OSETI III Proceedings now in print.


July 1, 2001

First major site maintenance and page refresh since April 1, 2001.

Searchbutton search engine service discontinued and replaced by Google.


June 3, 2001

Review Paper from OSETI III Conference


February 18, 2001

OSETI III photo galleries (under construction)


February 17, 2001

Signed up with Amazon Honor System


February 10, 2001

COSETI Director at White House during the shootings on February 7, 2001 - photo gallery


February 4, 2001

First Optical SETI paper on the benefits of pulsed lasers for interstellar communications


January 22, 2001

Charles H. Townes honored at SPIE's OSETI III Conference


December 19, 2000

Astronomy Now, December 2000


November 25, 2000

Updated OSETI III Program Schedule and Conference Registration Information


November 21, 2000

The best photonics jobs in the Milky Way Galaxy - for US citizens, aliens and Aliens!


November 19, 2000

Cardiff University OSETI lectures photo gallery


November 16, 2000

New job openings for photonic and microwave engineers at SRICO, Inc.


September 23, 2000

Changed page names for OSETI III Conference schedule to reflect new SPIE conference number.  Please update your links, where applicable.


September 17, 2000

Revised OSETI III Schedule


August 20, 2000

New Web sites:




August 6, 2000

OSETI III Provisional Schedule


July 30, 2000

OSETI III Program update


July 23, 2000

Abstracts of first 9 papers submitted to SPIE's Web site for the OSETI III Conference.  If you have not yet submitted your paper title, abstract, bio and contact info, please do so now by clicking here.


July 4, 2000

Pocket PC Edition
Selected pages will be reformatted for the new Pocket PC


June 19, 2000

Pictures and RealVideos

Boscombe, England

Bournemouth, England


June 14, 2000

June 14, 2000 visit with Sir Fred Hoyle in Bournemouth


May 27, 2000

Monte Ross visits The COSETI Observatory


May 5, 2000

Major update to OSETI III "Call For Papers"


April 11, 2000

Links to April 1, New Scientist book review by Paul Shuch


April 8, 2000

The Planetary Society - Optical SETI At Last

The Columbus Dispatch, April 7, 2000


April 1, 2000

Official SPIE OSETI III Call For Papers in PDF format

Bruno Award photographs


March 27, 2000

SETI League Bruno Award


March 25, 2000

More information for those wishing to construct an OSETI observatory


March 19, 2000

Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2000 Photo Gallery


March 18, 2000

Updated informational page about photon counters and instrumentation


February 22, 2000

Searchbutton search utility added to every page of this Web site.  Now you can search for keywords appearing anywhere on the COSETI Web site.


February 12, 2000

HearMe chat room upgrade - 6 Channels


February 8, 2000

HearMe chat room


January 22, 2000

The COSETI Weather Station


December 23, 1999

WebCams upgraded


November 27, 1999

BabyloNet Translator


November 26, 1999

WebFerret COSETI Links

Ohio University Public Lecture


October 10, 1999

A Brief SETI Chronology


September 15, 1999

A few RealVideo clips from the Hawaiian trip.


September 5, 1999

Some of the pictures from the Hawaiian trip & Bioastronomy Conference have been enhanced.


August 23, 1999

The Planetary Society NASA Budget Cuts Alert


August 22, 1999

Hawaii '99 and Bioastronomy Conference Photo Galleries


July 17, 1999

Change to conference dates for OSETI III


July 10, 1999

Random music background added to home and contents pages


June 12, 1999

WebCam pages revised


June 1, 1999

Walking Tour of Bexley, Ohio

Additional COSETI Photo Gallery

Superstar Web Site Award


May 22, 1999

E-Commerce Site now open to accept non-credit card orders for Ocean Optics Spectrometers and ProtoDel All-Fiber Optic Components


May 9, 1999

"So you want to get into SETI" update

Links2Go Key Resource Award

Stuart Kingsley's letter to Barney Oliver of November 19, 1990

Congressional Record of debate that lead to the cancellation of the NASA's HRMS project in October 1993

Barney Oliver's OSETI I Paper

Provisional titles & abstracts may now be submitted for SPIE's OSETI III Conference

New email address for Optical SETI Coordinator


May 1, 1999

First article (1990) published about Stuart Kingsley's Optical SETI work

Cyclops Postscript

Dr, Douglas Vakoch joins the OSETI III Conference Committee

New email address for Director


April 25, 1999

Sky & Telescope Editorial


February 13, 1999

Quicker loading contents pages

Entire 1996 COSETI article by Jeff Hecht


January 31, 1999

Today's Columbus Dispatch OSETI article

History of The COSETI Observatory


January 23, 1999

E-Commerce Web Site


January 17, 1999

WebCam active on "contents" page


December 25, 1998

The Queen's Christmas Message

External links to this site


December 18, 1998

Classic ruby laser paper by Maiman


December 6, 1998

New email address for Larry Klaes


November 22, 1998

WebCam Pages


November 15, 1998

New site maps and ordering equipment/technical support areas


November 1, 1998

Fiber Optic Spectrometer information

National Solar Observatory Spectra

Rescheduled TPS/OSU SETI Lecture

Sky & Telescope OSETI article

skytel1s.jpg (9151 bytes)


October 25, 1998

Header and footer links to sub-site maps


October 10, 1998

The Planetary Society/Harvard Optical SETI Appeal


October 6, 1998

Classic SETI papers


October 1, 1998

Web Statistics for September


September 28, 1998

Third International Conference on Optical SETI announcement

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September 20, 1998

Major Update
News Flash - The optical approach to SETI accepted by SETI community
NetMeeting hosted by the COSETI Observatory
Frames option discontinued


September 1, 1998

Web Statistics for August


August 3, 1998

Web Statistics for July


July 19, 1998

Web Statistics for June


June 1, 1998

Web Statistics for May


May 3, 1998

Web Statistics for April
So You Want to "Get Into" SETI


April 26, 1998

Temporary RealVideo "Welcome" messages for the home page realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)


April 8, 1998

COSETI RealPresenter & PowerPoint 97 Presentation #1, Version 1.1


April 2, 1998

Web Statistics for March


March 28, 1998

Review of Seth Shostak's Sharing the Universe by Larry Klaes


March 22, 1998

COSETI RealPresenter & PowerPoint 97 Presentation #1, Version 1.0


March 18, 1998

Download Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97


March 15, 1998

EG&G Catalog pages for Turbo-MCS Multichannel Scaler
More Freelance '97 (heterodyne) viewgraphs
Started on response to SETI Institute's SETI Game
Support for RealPresenter Plug-in 5.0 for use with Microsoft PowerPoint 97 - click on "Welcome" message on home page.


March 10, 1998

Front cover for latest issue of SETIQuest
RealVideo of Sir Arthur C. Clarke's Keynote Address for SPIE's OSETI I Conference realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)


March 1, 1998

Web Statistics for February


February 15, 1998

More Freelance '97 viewgraph updates


February 7, 1998

At last - all the publications of The COSETI Observatory in HTML format


February 1, 1998

Web Statistics for January (> 2 Gbytes of downloads)


January 17, 1998

RealAudio of OSETI II Conference presentations added for those papers marked with realaudo.gif (1207 bytes) logo


January 10, 1998

RealAudio of Paul Shuch's (The SETI League) OSETI II entertainment realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)
RealAudio of OSETI I Workshop realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)


January 4, 1998

Note:  Most of the RealAudio and RealVideo items on or linked to the Real Audio & Video page are presently active -- other links elsewhere are not.
RealAudio of Sir Arthur C. Clarke's Keynote Address for SPIE's OSETI I Conference realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)
RealAudio of OSETI II Workshop realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)


January 1, 1998

Web Statistics for December
RealAudio National Public Radio (NPR) link to interview with Patrick Stewart realaudo.gif (1207 bytes)
Arthur C. Clarke made a Knight Bachelor by the Queen smrelvid.gif (1310 bytes)


July 23, 1997

New consolidated web site www.coseti.org



Home Glossary
SPIE's OSETI I Conference SPIE's OSETI II Conference
SPIE's OSETI III Conference
The Columbus Optical SETI Observatory
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Last modified:  10/28/06
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